Monday, August 1, 2016

Record Store And Juice Bar Moc Update

Alright everyone today I am posting about my Lego juice bar and record store. I'm planning on building this three stories with apartments on the second floor and the third floor, plus a roof top garden. I tried to make it semi realistic so I added stairs in the back. But now lets go into detail on the Juice Bar - it has a light blue and lime green exterior and pink and orange floors. In the back, it has two pumps for juice or smoothies and two different types of blenders. Also, in the back is a cutting board with a banana attached by a clip. On the counter is a simple cash register and some money. On the right side is a long stand up table. And one last thing about the juice shop is that it is called Surfs Up Juice and has a cool surf board sign. Moving on, we have the record store which I am calling Rodent Records. First up on the exterior we have a spider sign and what will be two windows and a door. Inside to the right we a shelf full of some new and old records and two custom record players. On the left we have another shelf of records. Also, scattered around the store I put some of this stores favorite vinyl. And, finally in the back, I put a simple counter with a cash register and a hippie record dude. And finally we have stairs to the second floor apartments unfortunately I had to put these in the back cause of the fact that I didn't have enough room so people might get mugged a lot. But anyway I put a little call thing that or visitors and maybe what could be seen as a spot two swipe some sort of key card. Inside I just have some simple stairs. And that's it for this update expect more updates in the future.

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