Sunday, November 15, 2015

     Galaxy squad Vermin Vaporizer set review
        This fairly old Lego set from 2012 is a big one with 506 pieces and retailed for about $59.99. It was set number 70704 and had a price Per part of about 11.9c per part. Any way lets start out with the biggest part of the set wich is the tank like vehicle. In the front their is a opening door that inside reveals a little rover type thing were the pilot sits. Then on the two sides of that their are two flick fire missiles. Behind that their is a mech that can be taken out to reveal a lab with a computer, a screen, and a satellite dish. The mech isn't anything huge its just a mech with two huge mounted guns on the side. Next up is the little rover winch is very simple with two clips for guns and a control panel. The alien bug things get a small scorpion like vehicle with two flick fire missiles to have against the huge human tank. Their are three minifigures in this set they are Chuck Stonebreaker, Robot sidekick, and alien bugoid. Overall I rate this set a 5/5 for quality and a 4/5 for price. Hope you enjoy.  :)

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