Saturday, November 28, 2015

                   Lego city update #1!!
Its the time you have been waiting for at last I have decided to do a Lego city update. I have only been working on this city for about a week even though I have been into Legos for almost my whole life. If you have any ideas for my city please put it in the comment section below. Also you may notice in my city in do not have any road plates that is because I would rather get a Lego set than road plates.               

In this picture you can see the whole entire city blanketed by a thin layer of snow
This picture is taken from the other side of the city at a lower View.
This picture show s the view of my Lego city near the train tracks.

Behind the grocery store a sad thing is happening it looks like a bad guy is shooting a turkey. Doesn't he know thanksgiving was two days ago.

Hear is my Lego train station which I will be doing a review on In the near future.

In this picture you can see the fire station and the gem store.


Here is the park with the hot chocolate stand that I recently reviewed. Their is also an ice arena and an igloo. Next to that is a tree house that is dangerously close to the train tracks.

Here you can see the two police stations and the Chicago Cubs sky scraper which  dwarfs them both.


Here you can see all of the police station and a table of Legos in the background that you really should  not care about.

In this last picture you can see the grocery store. Check back later for more!!
I am very sorry about all the dead space at the bottom of this if you know how to get rid of this please put it in the comments section below.



























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